TEACUP (2024) – Sci-fi horror mystery that is not worth the watch
Rating: ⭐ 1/2

Teacup has an interesting premise about a group of people living in the rural farm areas of Georgia who finds themselves facing a mysterious treat which forces them to keep within a boundary surrounding their lands in order to avoid sudden death. The mix of horror with science fiction is not new but it is always a compelling theme. Unfortunately, it becomes apparent very quickly in the series that this is not going to be a convincing or enthralling watch. First and foremost, I did not find any of the characters particularly interesting or likeable. The acting is sub-par at best while the dialouge is simply dull.
The inclusion of an infidelity between two of the main characters felt unnecessary and was often annoying to watch as the characters ramble on and deal with this emotional distraction over what is a far more important issue of survival facing them. The introduction of crucial characters late in the series did not play well with the flow of the plot. I also felt that the behaviour of many of the characters particularly, that of Maggie, the veterinarian wife whose husband was having an affair, unrealistic. There were multiple moments where she remains calm and have the opportunity or having a quiet moment with various characters seemingly without a care in the world, while mayhem is happening outside! This discord with real-life or logical behaviour, for the sake of injecting emotional moments just comes across as fake. The silly marital affair subplot is used across the story to create all sorts of tension and fights between the characters. Again, these come across as contrived and a gimmicky plot narrative to create conflicts which the viewers’ have little interest to.
The best time going for the series is its relatively short episode runtimes of less than 40 minutes. Even that felt like a long time each episode. The choice of who gets to survive or die in the series is unjustly biased and judgmental. Expectedly the series ends with a cliff hanger paving the way for what the film makers hope would be more seasons to come. Typically, we have the sudden introduction of yet more new characters, and the forewarning of an even bigger treat ahead. They seem to think they are starting a new franchise in the likes of Walking Dead! With any luck the series would be cancelled. Either way, I will not be in the ride next time.