February 15, 2025

THINGS HEARD AND SEEN (2021) – Some things are better left unheard and unseen


Rating: ⭐⭐

things heard and seen

Things Heard and Seen (L-R) Amanda Seyfried as Catherine Clare in Things Heard and Seen. Cr. Anna Kooris/NETFLIX © 2020

I am giving this movie two stars because I actually liked Amanda Seyfried here and the overall production values were good, In fact I would say that despite its rather lengthy running time of just over 2 hours, I actually found this engrossing for the most part. What ultimately failed the movie was its ending. After the built up the abrupt and abstract ending resulted in an unsatisfactory conclusion. This can especially annoying when we have already invested our time and attention to the characters and all sorts of plot developments, only to find many of the things that were shown were inconsequential!

Although this is classified as horror, I think it film struggles to find its own identity throughout its duration. There is very little scares or moments of suspense, and no gore. Central to the plot is the familiar story of a broken marriage, and the film at times felt like it was more a human drama than an a tale of the occult. Visually it is pleasantly photographed, and the cast gave decent performances. Ultimately the film’s story with all the loose ends and red herrings, felt like a waste of time since so much that went on ahead, was not explored further. To put this more bluntly, many scenes and characters could have easily been edited out and left on the cutting room floor, without affecting the film’s ending. It would have probably made more sense had more attention been given to the house’s background and history to explain the paranormal activities. Amanda Seyfried emerged largely unscathed despite the poor material she is given simply because she played her character convincingly. James Norton plays the husband who starts off being quite normal but by film’s end, transform into quite a despicable low life. F Murray Abraham haven’t been seen in recent movies for awhile and it is a welcome addition to the cast. However, his character is poorly written with a predictable consequences.

All in all Things Heard and Seen is a neither here or there horror story that doesn’t deliver.

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