GREENLAND (2020) – A disaster in the making
Rating: ⭐

Greenland is more a disaster of a movie than the disaster movie which it no doubt has aspirations to be. Gerard Butler is once again putting himself in a B-grade low budget movie firmly certifying and making a niche for himself in in such unfortunate excuses as movies. I had considered skipping to give my review of this film because I had found so little redeeming values worth talking about. But then, I remind myself that a reviewer has to take in the good as well as the bad. In the case of the bad, I find it a duty to share my pain and hopefully be in time to save someone or anyone from wasting their time on these films. Of course, as the saying goes, one man’s meat can be another’s poison, and I suppose they shall always be someone out there who may find my bad movies good and vise versa. For which I shall be forever grateful to receive honest and even brutal feedback, so that will help me see the world better in the eyes of others.
Now back to Greenland … whose plot has been done many times by other better disaster movies. Planet earth faces catastrophic destruction from the collision of comets as they race to hit earth. That should give us plenty of opportunities to relish over CGI scenes of destruction all over the world. Unfortunately, Greenland appears to be made with a truly shoe string budget as we get to see very little of such action sequences. Instead we are subjected to the boring antics of a family consisting of the customary husband and wife who are at the start of a broken marriage, and a young son who suffers from some sort of diabetes requiring regular insulin shots. So much time spent to focus on this family’s attempt to escape the impending disaster is done that one gets the feeling that many of the stereotype dialouge and scenes could have easily been edited out without impacting the overall movie. Gerard Butler puts on a brave and decent performance inspite of the bad script and story, but other than that the overall performances from everyone else were mostly uninspiring and predictable. The Greenland in the title refers to Greenland being one of the place on earth which is safe.
It is fast approaching the end of the year and I suggest you give this a skip as there should be plenty of variety and films that are coming for the holiday season.