February 12, 2025

SOCIETY OF THE SNOW (SPANISH) (2023) – Stunning and haunting true survival story


Rating: ⭐⭐⭐ 1/2


You may have noticed that I seldom review non English-speaking movies. I confess that I often shy away from foreign language films because I am not a fan for reading subtitles throughout the movie. Nevertheless, I do recognise that there is in fact a vast variety of excellent movies from many non-English speaking countries which I have deprived myself of experiencing. One of my 2024 New Year resolutions is to watch more non-English speaking foreign language movies and so, I am happy to report, Society of the Snow as my first non-English speaking movie to be reviewed for the year. And I must say, what an extraordinary movie this is to kick start this category!!

Society of the Snow is a Spanish movie based on the incredible true incident on how 16 people managed to survive a plane carrying a team of Uruguayan rugby players, that crashed in the middle of the Andes snow mountain enroute to Chile in 1972. This is not the first time this story has been made into a feature film. There was the 1976 Spanish movie Survive! and the 1993 American made Alive with Ethan Hawke. Both these movies were geared towards exploitation with the sensationalizing the cannibalism that was resorted to in order to survive. Society of the Snow however, tells the same story in a far more dignified and respectful manner. To make the movie feel more authentic, the story is narrated through voice over by one of the passengers in the ill-fated crash. This gave the film the feel of being a first-hand account to the tragedy that took place. The film’s final act was its most powerful and carried the key message of the film well.

The film was directed by Spanish film director J.A. Bayona who is no stranger to filming real-life survival dramas as evident by The Impossible (2012) which he directed with Ewan McGregor and Noami Watts. That movie told the story of a family caught in the 2004 tsunami disaster in Thailand. Society of the Snow has a far more complex and devastating storyline. He has the benefit directing an all Spanish speaking cast which not only leads authenticity to the story but also probably made it easier for him as he is Spanish. Like the amazing recreation of the tsunami attack in The Impossible, the plane crash sequence here is unapologetically nerve wracking and intense and so realistic you may not wish to look! Despite the grim situation, Bayona baths the film with a beauty and calm as represented by the spectacular images of the surrounding Andes mountains.

It is a pity that this film will predominantly be seen on the small TV screen (since it is a Netflix feature) because it is best appreciated when projected on a big screen. The soundtrack music subtly supports the various moods with a natural elegance and grace. The entire production is top notch creating a movie experience that would not be easy to forget.

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