February 12, 2025

THE BANISHING (2021) – Another senseless and boring horror movie


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tye banishing

I love watching horror movies but of late, the ones that I have seen leaves a lot to be desired. The Banishing is yet another disappointing entry to the genre. Any more of such sub standard so call horror movies and I may find myself giving up watching the genre completely! My faith needs to be restored but unfortunately The Banishing is not going to do it for me.

Set in the 1930’s the story revolves around a haunted mansion in England where a young reverend and his wife and daughter moves in to. The background story behind the haunting is not presented very coherently, and the scares that are injected to the stories are familiar and cliched. What irate me more is that these ghostly paranormal activities happen without any meaning. They seem to be there just to provide some periodic jump scares to wake the audience up. For example, we have the mirrors that seem to be some kind of portal to the other side, and we have the ever presence and reference to Christianity but how this is linked to the haunting is not examined to any level of logical details. What we do see is a Bible that has been vandalised by the mansion’s previous resident, who is also the local reverend. The strange behaviours of the characters are also illogical and frustration to watch. This is a pity since the principal actors here, are reasonably competent. The closing scene involving supporting character bringing the skeletal remains of some ghosts who had been haunting the place, to the Nazi. We have no idea what the link to the Nazis is as this aspect of the plot was never given any mention. The ending is baffling to say the least. So it would appear like The Banishing is akin to a work in progress movie since so many things remain unexplained.

Haunted mansion ghost stories are usually fun to watch but The Banishing is dreary and makes little sense. Somebody please recommend me a good horror movie to help restore my faith in the genre!

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